Creative Uses Of Payday Loans

When you hear the term payday loans, you probably think of getting emergency cash when you need it most. And you would be right.  But there are a number of ways you can use your payday loan. In fact, you can use it anyway you want to.

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Should You Pay off Your Bad Credit Loan Early?

When you get a payday loan there are states that allow rollovers or extensions of your due date. But if you live where this is possible and want to do it, you will find that there are additional fees (interest) added to your loan. These extra fees can be as much as your original loan fees. The result is the opposite of what you want: more fees that are not reduced when you pay back the loan. 

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Here’s How You Can Plan Your Finances for 2021

Almost all of us have had some impact on our budgets in 2020. Review what happened and what you did to fix the problems that occurred. If you had a pre-existing budget track where you lost control. If you did not have one, set one up today. There are numerous resources in every community that are free and will help you set your budget if you are unsure what to do or where to start. 

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Effect of Bank Overdrafts on Your Credit Score

If your credit is good, your bank may allow you to overdraft or spend more than is in your account without a penalty. However, most people and several banks are not in a situation where this is either allowed or done without fees. The normal fee for a single check overdrawn on the account (overdraft) is $35. Again, this is per check! This implies that four checks equal $140 in fees!

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